ActionScript 3.0 Preloader, Adobe Flash CS3

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ActionScript 3.0 (Adobe Flash CS3) is must different from earlier versions of ActionScripting (Adobe Flash). If you want to create a custom preloader the process is very different in ActionScript 3.0 that is images, SWF files, and any other external content are loaded using the Loader Class. And if you see in ActionScript 3.0 basically depends on OOPs concepts, means creation of Classes from that creating Objects and utilizing those accordingly into our code.

Today I have gone through some of the sites to implement Custom Preloader in Flash CS3 and in ActionScript 3.0, I had a glance on one website which explains the creation of the same that is creation of Preloader in Flash CS3 (ActionScript 3.0)

If you want to create the same, then please visit the site: Creating a Flash Preloader
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US impact on Indian outsourcing is not for long says experts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

When I was just going through some of the things in Yahoo!, today I found one good interesting article on "US impact on Indian outsourcing". Experts says that "US impact on Indian outsourcing is not for long since the recession itself may not last more than two-three years, says Nobel laureate Amartya Sen."

As of now if you see in India, most of the IT companies are firing people because of "growth-slack in America" which is impacting India badly and as of now if you see the growth rate has come down a bit.

Its a very interesting article, worth reading - if you would like to know more about this, you can have a click on this article: "Adverse US impact on Indian outsourcing not for long: Amartya Sen"
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Facebook stands first and rocks again Globally

Earlier Facebook was one of the upcoming and best social network site among other social networking sites. Now! Facebook stands in No.1 position in its International expansion, Mark Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of Facebook which was officially launched on February 4, 2004 which is a free-access website here Users can join the networks organized by respective cities, workplace, schools and this is the place where to connect and interactive effectively with other people around the Globe.


This site is available in most of the languages like Catalan, Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Chinese (Hong Kong), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish coming to the no.of employees as per march 2008 stats the number is 500 people, earning US$150 million revenue. In coming months Facebook also plans to include another 20 human languages as of now if you see number of users are increasing and as per the latest there are 132 million users who has registered to that site.

Beside Facebook, there are number of Social Network Sites like MySpace, LinkedIn, DIGG etc., Facebook has performed very well enough in implementing and introducing more web applications which are useful for users and now they have a plan to introduce this application in more human languages.

Facebook has a 'n' number of features for users to interact with other people around the Globe. They include the Wall, a space on every user's profile page that allows friends to post messages for the user to see, Pokes, which allows users to send a virtual "poke" to each other, Photos, where users can upload their unforgetable memories in the form of albums and photos, and especially more about the Status of the current user who is online, which allows users to inform their friends of their whereabouts and actions.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands "First" as a Top Young Enterpreneurs from other top enterpreneurs in the World. List of Top Young Enterpreneurs who earns more from their websites - Top 50 Young Entrepreneurs Under 30

If you guys like to know more about Facebook and about the features which they are going to implement you can visit wikipedia - Facebook and can found more in yahoo as well [Yahoo] - Facebook

Articles you would like to read:
1. Top Web Celebrities in the World of Web -
2. New way to find Facebook friends - Signal Patterns
3. Scrapboy desktop application for Facebook, MySpace and orkut users
4. New Indian Game in FaceBook - Paanchvi Pass
5. One combined buddy list for all your online IM Accounts

Continue reading » is moving to new domain

Saturday, July 12, 2008 is well known for a best collection of Adobe AIR applications at one place. Now because of copyrights of Adobe AIR, author has decided to move the site to another domain,

freshairapps is one of the best online resource. The Adobe AIR platform is one of the important platforms available. Adobe AIR enables developers to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) that deploy on the desktop, I mean "Adobe AIR runtime lets developers use proven web technologies to build rich Internet applications that deploy to the desktop and run across operating systems"

If you want to know more about Adobe AIR visit Adobe site - Adobe AIR

If you would like to know more about the Adobe AIR applications, in Adobe AIR site just move on to the Developer Centers of Adobe, these Developer Centers includes Ajax, Flex, Flash.

Actually, I have a plan to develop applications using Adobe AIR, so just I had a time to look into Adobe AIR today. Just I was searching for good websites which will give me more information on Adobe AIR. Ofcourse Adobe AIR site is itself a good resource online to learn AIR and to work on, as I have mentioned above it has got good developer centers as well, were in which you can learn building those applications and can share it accordingly.

I found some good resource online where all AIR applications are showcased at one place, really its a worth to see the site,

FreshAIRApps officially launched in April, which showcase most popular AIR applications online. The founder of this site was James Whittaker. FreshAIRApps, provides useful information to users and developers with news updates, tutorials and useful development resources about Adobe AIR.

Would you like to know more about Features of FreshAIRApps: The most important and useful feature of FreshAIRApps is Adobe AIR Showcase - Showcase of Adobe AIR applications - here is the link

  • Adobe AIR News:
    Here in this feature you will be having upto date information of Adobe products. Users can see latest information from Adobe and also about the latest applications in the Web World.
  • Adobe AIR Tutorials:
    If you would like to know more about Adobe AIR and need to learn, here in this section he has provided some useful reference books that helps in all aspects.
  • Adobe AIR Resources:
    Here in this section, you can check online useful resources, like here if you see in this site, author has mentioned good references to develop our knowledge in the Web World.

Now will be moved to another domain as Adobe officials says that the website and it's domain name are in infringement of their trademarks. This is because it has got word "AIR" in the domain name, this site will continue but under new domain, so more your bookmarks of to

So wish James (Founder of the site) for his new domain.

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Now save your results for as long as you'd like -

Monday, June 30, 2008

Netvibes ( now fully integrates with Google Search, Netvibes has introduced a new feature which will allow you to perform complete Google Search in your Netvibes page and have results displayed in its own tab, isn't awesome enough to search for your important stuff and you can save your results for as long as you'd like.


Nothing we have to do from our end, the search field will appear on the top of out Netvibes page , and since Netvibes is, as always, fully customizable you'll be able to select a few options to make this new tool your very own! Just click on settings and in that go for Search Option provided. Select your appropriate options from the options provided and enjoy searching through Google.


If you want to know more about this feature then have a visit to Netvibes - Netvibes now fully integrated with Google Search

Related Articles:
Now all users are on Ginger
Personalize your page in simple 4 steps -
After few hours downtime, is comingup with new features
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New way to find Facebook friends - Signal Patterns

Friday, June 27, 2008

Signal Patterns, has just launched a new Facebook application which makes a new way to find Facebook friends online. This application goal is to help you in finding new friends based on an indepth personality assessment algorithm.

If you guys want to know more information on this, please do have a look at here - Signal Patterns


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In a day 439 Responses to BigB -

As I have mentioned in my previous article posts, that Celebrities are promoting themselves through blogs. They are becoming brand ambassadors for some of the blogs and fans around the world are giving responses to those blogs. 

As we know that Amitabh Bachchan, is a unique personality and known to this famous lively acting and he is top most person in Indian Bollywood Film Industry. He has a blog in -, today when I saw Amitabh Bachchan's blog in, for a single post there are more than 439 responses for a post in that blog. Its really awesome that for a single post there are awesome enough responses. By looking at those responses, we can able to predict how many fans are available in this world for Amitabh Bachchan.

Here is the post link which I am talking about:

Bachchan Saab, you Rock!

Amitabh Bachchan

Related: Top Indian Film Celebrities are on Blogs

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Ext JS Examples for Beginners -

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Do you want to learn Ext JS? then here is the solution for it, just have a look at - this is a very good online resource to learn Ext JS from scratch. This site has got good awesome example applications. By looking at the online examples you can develop your own applications using Ext JS.

Online Examples include Accordions, Drag & Drop Components, File Tree Panel, Forms, Windows, Panels, Messages Boxes and much more to learn Ext JS. I would like to recommend to go through this site once and just grab some useful applications and develop your own applications.

extjs examples

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Free Voice Directory Service from Google now available for local Canadians

Monday, June 23, 2008

Google now launches their free voice service for Canadians. Google has expanded their's GOOG-411 service to Canada. If you are local Canadian, you can find business listings by dialing 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-4664-411) from any phone for free.

By this service you can now find and connect with new businesses. This service is still experimental but which offers all the same features available in the US. Such as free call, free connection, SMS info, iPhone "Map-It" integration etc.,

If you want to know more about the same, just have a look at this page - Talk to us: GOOG-411 now available in Canada

Related Articles:

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Ajax based social network bookmark widget - mooSocialize

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A very good WordPress plugin to socialize your articles around the world using mooSocialize. Its an Ajax based social network bookmark widget which you can incorporate in your web blogs or websites to bookmark your articles. If you want to submit interesting articles by hand to your favorite social networks and newsgroups? then this very useful tool to do.


What are you waiting for go a head download and install the same into your Web Blogs / Websites. Enjoy!

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Edit your documents offline - Google Docs Offline

Friday, June 20, 2008

Google Docs is ramping up very well in the World of Web Offline, Google Docs now allows you to view or edit your documents offline, yeah that is without an Internet Connection. The application runs perfectly even in offline mode, make your necessary changes to your Document or PDF... and just sit behind one your Internet Connection is UP then it will automatically synchronizes and will upload all the stuff which you have made in offline.

To do all of this, you need to download Google Gears on to your desktop and install it accordingly on your desktop and enjoy sharing your documents to the world. Google Gear, an open source browser extension that adds offline functionality directly to your browser.

If you want to access Google Docs offline, just need to type into your browser window or the other way is to click on the desktop shortcut which is downloaded during the installation process.

So by looking above lines, you might have queries like How this going to work offline when there is no Internet Connection?

As said in the above lines Google Docs uses Google Gears, which is an open source browser extension which enables web applications to RUN OFFLINE. When you are offline, your edits which you have done for your documents will be stored on your local computer until you re-connect to your Internet Connection, when your Internet Connection is UP then the edits which you have done will automatically synchronized with 'Google Docs' severs and made available to collaborators. 

If you have more queries, then check with Google Docs Help Center

Recommended Articles from Google Docs:

  1. Overview: Enabling Google Docs offline
  2. Overview: What is Google Docs Offline?
  3. Overview: How does offline work?
  4. Using Google Gears: Installing / Uninstalling Gears
  5. Overview: Working offline

Related Articles, Which you like to Read from this Web Blog on Google Docs:
Now presentations can be embedded in Multiple Sizes - Google Docs
Export a presentation into PDF/PPT using Google Docs
Work offline with Google Docs
Adding your favorite Color to folder names in Google Docs

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Adobe Photoshop website templates for free -

Friday, June 6, 2008 specializes in development of FREE and QUALITY Adobe Photoshop website templates. They create website templates in accordance with the standards, the rules of usability and Internet trends. 


Templates are easy to customize. You just add your logos, text and graphics. Taking their style as a basis, you can create original, professional looking websites in short terms. The templates are given in Photoshop format. You can edit the templates in Adobe Photoshop as well as in any other programs reading PSD files. Our templates do not include html code. Working with website templates is a splendid opportunity to practise your web design skills. Website templates, are offered free-of-charge.

In this website you can view Latest Free Website Templates, Adobe Photoshop Tutorials and more over Wordpress themes which are customizable. In Resources page if you see there are awesome enough resources are present which are related to Adobe Photoshop, HTML Editors, Icons, Logotypes, Maps, Patterns, Site Submission, Stock Images, Text Generators, Web Hosting and Web Templates.

If you want to contact them for more information visit - contact us page

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3,453,787 and more free stock photos online -

Thursday, June 5, 2008 is a great resource online with more than 3,453,787 free hi-resolution stock photos. This site has forum feature as well to write your comments and to get more information on these free online stock photos. You can make favorite collection by drag and drop feature, this feature is available for only registered user.

stock photos

Registration (Membership):
Registration is free to become a member of this site, for registered users site provides many features like the one which I have mentioned above and more like you can rate, tag, collect and comment on photos. These free photos are from many sources and are license-specific, you can view a photo's license by clicking on the license icon, below and left of photos.


This Site also got Photo Blog feature, where in which different photographers can share their valuable photographs and we have a feature to comment on photos, and can rate on the same.

Search Feature:
This site has got good search feature functionality, if you have not got required photograph by basic search using keywords, then you can go for advanced search feature like this feature has got any options to get an accurate result of your search. In advance search, you can search by all words, any words, exact phrase, begins with and even you can search by shape or by entering min height and min width. This feature is awesome enough to get accurate result for what you are searching for - I think you can find your respective photo by these advanced search feature.

Advanced Search

Subscribe RSS Feed:
In order not to miss all new photos of their posts visit and subscribe the RSS feed of the site.

Related Link:
free tutorials, free templates, Royalty Free Textures and much more in only one website

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Now you can see your trips in real 3D -

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 has announced the release of Windows Mobile and BlackBerry version of Buddyway. Many enhancements has been done to buddyway pages, Layout has been changed a bit and Now this is using the amazing Google Earth Browser Plugin, so as to see your trips online in real 3D view, this feature is awesome enough. If you want to view an example of the same just move on to this page -

Trip in 3D View - Google earth

If your browser supports Google Earth plugin, then you can view the things in real 3D view - if you have not installed Google Earth plugin then just go head and install the same to view in 3D. It takes a min to install the same, as we know Google Earth is awesome enough and has introduced 3D features in it.

And another awesome feature in Buddyway is from now onwards you get comments to your memorable trip, each trip that is made public have it's own page with 'friendly readable address' where users can comment it. And also improved charts, so that you can now has a feature of Zoom them in and out.

Related Links:
New features of Google Earth 4.3, Awesome!
Track and Save your Memorable Trip using Buddyway GPS phone tracking system

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Create rich PDF Portfolios using Adobe Acrobat 9 by adding Flash to it

Monday, June 2, 2008

Today! Adobe has launched next version of its Adobe Acrobat software, that is Adobe Acrobat 9 Products. These products includes Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard.


So you might be thinking what features has been incorporated in this Adobe Acrobat 9, With Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended, you can: (Content Courtesy: Adobe)
1. Deliver a compelling branded experience using PDF Portfolios
2. Create interactive, on-demand presentations with Adobe Presenter
3. Easily share video in PDF Files
4. Share 3D designs and PDF maps

And here is the another announcement from Adobe, the Company also has a plan to launch a new Web Site offering users free hosted services, this will help all users around the world. Adobe's new Web Site, called which offers beta versions of several hosted document services like Buzzword, ConnectNow, Create PDF, Share and My Files. This is the right opportunity to grab the same, and share your experiences with the rest of the World and act like a professional.

For more information, please do visit Adobe.

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Download Firefox 3 to set a Guinness World Record

Friday, May 30, 2008

Join Firefox mission to set a Guinness World Record for the most software downloaded in 24hours! Sounds Good Right? All you have to do is get Firefox 3 during Download Day to set a Guinness World Record.

The official date for the launch of Firefox 3 will be dispatched soon, if you want to participate and want to Pledge on the same then you need to have a visit to the site once - 


If you want to spread this word to the world, just you need to add buttons or respective banners to your site, blog or profile. And there are other ways to help Firefox to set a World Record! Just login to your account in your respective social community sites and invite all your friends and spread the word and help Firefox to break this record. Want to know more about how we can involve in this, then you need to visit to this -

You can Pledge using a Map provided at this location - , just select your region from the dropdown provided and after selecting your region there will be a popup coming up there you need to select the region and enter your email id, this will help us to track the same and you will be receiving a mail about the download date to set a record.

Spread this word all around! :) I am going to place a banner on my web blog, do you!

So, guys don't forget to download Firefox 3 on the released date and help firefox to break a record.

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All WordPress themes at one place - for free

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Just I had a plan to change the theme of one my web blog to a good one, just searching the same for all around and at last I had a glance on one of the web blog called wpzoom. This Web Blog is famous for collection of WordPress resources.

On this Web Blog, there was a post like "45+ Free Premium WordPress Themes with Magazine or Grid Layouts"

WordPress Themes

In the above post, the author by name "Pavel Ciorici" has collected maximum of 45+ WordPress themes, and this collection constitutes of Free Premium WordPress Themes and most of the themes have Magazine or Grid Layout. For each and every theme he has given two links like "Visit Info" that is to know more about the theme, and "Visit Demo" it directly takes you to the Demo page which depicts how the whole theme functions and the look and feel of the theme. 

Above is one of the screen shot of the WordPress theme which Pavel has displayed on his post.

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A Cool and useful collection of Web Developer and Web Designer Resources!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WittyMarks, a cool and really useful collection of web resources for designers and developers.

And the site was launched by the team of top blog, as they want to keep this site clean and neat with fully functional and useful resources like wordpress themes, plugins, open source scripts, javascripts, css tips, menus, widgets, tutorials, php, earn money, etc.


And this site just bookmark the best resources available to just serve the fellow developers around. In this regards this site have the registration open to all but the submissions are disabled unless a particular user is really want to contribute the best resources than submitting their own blog posts to promote themselves, to be a part of the team and to contribute the useful resources you just need to participate in their site regularly by voting the posts which you think is more useful and comment.

As the site is recently launched they already have a cool resources to look into, so why not encourage their team to submit more useful resources.

Subscribe RSS Feeds:
Just keep yourself updated with new resources everyday, don't forget to subscribe for the same - RSS Feeds 

Continue reading », learn Flash from Professional is a very professional site, as the web site name depicts this site is very much related to Flash. Those who have knowledge in Flash can approach this site and can learn more from a professional - Lee Brimelow. This site provides a lot of great and free flash resources for designers and developers.


On you can find almost everything you need in a simple way and by browsing site categories, you can reach to resources related to 3D, Actionscript, Actionscript 3, AIR, Apollo, Books, Conferences, Cool Sites, Decompiling, Examples, Extensions, Flash 8, Flash CS3, Flash CS4, Flash Forward, Flash Lite, Flash Player, Flash Tools, Flash Video, Flex, General, Interviews, Jobs, OOPs, PHP, Snippets, Sound, Tools, Tutorials, Video, Vista, WPF Crossover, XML.

Lee, is maintaining another site named which has got many free resources related to Flash, Flex, Ajax, XML... and can download the same. Each free resource has got Video Tutorials to learn the things quickly and easily. Just go through the Video Tutorial and start learning Flash and other tools.

Subscribe RSS Feeds:
In order not to miss the new resources visit the website and and make sure to grab RSS Feeds (RSS Feeds for and RSS Feeds for for more Tutorials and keep updated knowledge on those tools.

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Importance of !important in CSS

Monday, May 26, 2008

Do you know What does !important mean in CSS?, an "!important" declaration (the keywords "!" and "important" follow the declaration) this takes high precedence over a normal declaration. And can be framed in this way, this means that the styles are applied in order as they are read by the browser.

CSS it tries to create a balance of power between author and user style sheets. By default, rules in an author's style sheet override those in a user's style sheet. But in CSS1, this is in other way round - Author "!important" rules took precedence over User "!important" rules.

For Example:
User's Style Sheet:
   1: <style> 
   2:   p{font-size: 2em !important;} 
   3:   p{font-style: italic;} 
   4: </style>

Author's Style Sheet:
   1: <style> 
   2:   p{font-size: 3em;} 
   3:   p{font-style: normal;} 
   4: </style> 

If you see in the above instance, the first rule in the User's Style Sheet has "!important" declaration, which will overrides the first rule in the Author's Style Sheet. And if you observe for the second rule in User's Style Sheet it does not contain "!important" so this will be ruled out because here second rule in the Author's Style Sheet has got high preference so the HTML will render by taking size as "p{font-style: normal;}"

If you would like to know more on this, then check with the w3 site: and move to the section called "6.4.2 !important rules"

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Top Indian Film Celebrities are on Blogs

These days, Top Indian Film Celebrities are on Blogs like Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and many more,

Amitabh Bachchan 

Amitabh Bachchan, is a unique personality and known to this famous lively acting and he is top most person in Indian Bollywood Film Industry.

His Blog has got different categories like Interviews, Others, Photos, Press Coverage, TV. And if you want to know up-to-date information about his blog and posting, you can go head and subscribe RSS feeds. Here is the link to subscribe to his blog: RSS Feeds. This blog has been hosted in a website called and here is link for Amitabh Bachchan's Blog: 

Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan, is one of the famous personality known as talented actor in the Indian Bollywood. Recently released "Tare Zameen Par" has hitted all the records in the Indian Bollywood. Very talented young director as well. His film "Rand de Basanti" was also a hit movie in his career. His website has got two categories like Blog and Chat, If you want to go for his blog - here is the link -, even his website has got Chat facility - here is the chat link -

salman khan

Salman Khan, the One and Only One He-Man in the Bollywood Industry, he has rocked Bollywood by his bare body cuts. And he is also know as Style Icon of Bollywood, people will also call him as a "Sallu Bhai", he has got his own image in Bollywood. He is hitting the small screens that is in TV Screens by hosting one program called "10 Ka Dum" in Sony Entertainment Television, going to start on 10th June of this month. Here is the link - - which will take you to Salman Khan's Blog. The blog is hosted in and this is maintained by MULTI SCREEN MEDIA PVT. LTD. 

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Evolution of rounded corners from using Images to using CSS

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Earlier, if we want to create Rounded Corners in HTML we used to make use of Images to get that effect in HTML and now everything has changed a lot and we make use of pure CSS to render the html box in rounded corner style.

To create rounded corners in HTML, some of the developers still use images to get a box into rounded with the desired color or what ever. For that to render will take so much of time and if at all we miss one of the images the box will look messy.

For instance: Check out the below screen shot, if we want to create the rounded corner box. Below is the scenario (this is using Images)

Rounded Corners

We used to create four images for our corners. Most graphics programs have a tool that will create rounded-off squares. In the spot where you want the box to show up, just create a container div to hold the box, a div for the top row and a div for the bottom row. Between the top and bottom rows, you can add your valuable content to show up in the rounded corner box.

HTML Code:
   1: <div class="roundedcontainer">
   2:    <div class="roundedtop">
   3:      <img src="tl.gif" alt="" 
   4:      width="15" height="15" class="corner" 
   5:      style="display: none" />
   6:    </div>
   8:    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing 
   9:    elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et 
  10:    dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis 
  11:    nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip 
  12:    ex ea commodo consequat</p>
  14:    <div class="roundedbottom">
  15:      <img src="bl.gif" alt="" 
  16:      width="15" height="15" class="corner" 
  17:      style="display: none" />
  18:    </div>
  19: </div>

CSS Code:
   1: .roundedcontainer {
   2:     width: 250px;
   3:     background-color: #f90;
   4:     color: #fff;
   5: }
   6: .roundedcontainer p {
   7:     margin: 0 10px;
   8: }
   9: .roundedtop { 
  10:     background: url(tr.gif) no-repeat top right; 
  11: }
  12: .roundedbottom {
  13:     background: url(br.gif) no-repeat top right; 
  14: }
  15: img.corner {
  16:    width: 15px;
  17:    height: 15px;
  18:    border: none;
  19:    display: block !important;
  20: }

I agree this works fine in IE6, Mozilla 1.3, and Opera 7 on Windows. But to render those images might take some time and what will happen if we forgot the image to include or upload, the box looks messy right? Yes!

In these scenarios, you can make use of pure CSS to get that rounded curve with out images. And in no time the box will render perfectly with Rounded Corner, Would you like to know how? “Nifty Corners” has made it possible, below is the code for rendering the HTML box into rounded corners style by using only CSS styles. Isn’t it awesome YEAH! Thanks to Nifty Corners, in helping us in all the way!

Content courtesy “Nifty Corners”:

HTML Code:
   1: <div id="container">
   2: <b class="rtop">
   3:   <b class="r1"></b> <b class="r2"></b> <b class="r3"></b> <b class="r4"></b>
   4: </b>
   5: <!--content goes here -->
   6: <b class="rbottom">
   7:   <b class="r4"></b> <b class="r3"></b> <b class="r2"></b> <b class="r1"></b>
   8: </b>
   9: </div>

CSS Code:
   1: .rtop, .rbottom{display:block}
   2: .rtop *, .rbottom *{display: block; height: 1px; overflow: hidden}
   3: .r1{margin: 0 5px}
   4: .r2{margin: 0 3px}
   5: .r3{margin: 0 2px}
   6: .r4{margin: 0 1px; height: 2px}

If you want to see the example, how it renders – click here

Continue reading », free tips everyday

Saturday, May 24, 2008 is a very interesting site which provides everyday a lot of great and free web resources for designers and developers in order to help them to find new ideas and save time and money in their work. This is a awesome website which I have seen, because I used to visit this site daily and used to take some tips in designing as well as in developing.

Tutorials Garden

If I want to design any site or any template, first I used to check awesome enough tutorials in this site and used to learn something, as I have said I am learning designing in my earlier posts. This is a very good place to learn the things very quickly and its free too. It will save time as well money.

On you can find almost everything you need in a simple way and browsing site categories, you can reach to resources related to 3D Studio Max, CSS, Fireworks, Flash, Freehand, Gimp, HTML & XHTML, Illustrator, JavaScript, Maya, Photoshop, PHP, Rhino 3d, Ruby On Rails, Unix, Windows, ZBrush...

Subscribe RSS Feed
There are more than 2,000 free resources to learn all the above mentioned tools and more are added daily, In order not to miss the new resources visit the website and make sure to grab RSS Feeds for Tutorials and keep updated knowledge on those tools.

Here in this site you can also submit your own tutorials, and can get huge traffic to your tutorial and website.

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Create Collect and Control through

Friday, May 23, 2008

On Feb 28, 2008 Google has introduced Google Sites which is about to be known as an application, which helps us in Creating web pages, we can gather a bunch of data at a single location that is we can make use of this as a repository, and at the same time we can control those created things very easily.

Google Sites

With Google Sites, people can quickly gather a variety of information at one place like for example, we can collect our memorable moments clips in a Slide Show, including videos, calendars, presentations, attachments, and text, and can easily share it for a group or to the whole world.

Creating, Editing and Managing is very easy with this, no knowledge of HTML or Web design skills are required. You can start a new page in one click. All content is instantly searchable and can search for all the pages where you have kept your pages and in which folder very easily.

With Google Sites, people can create a wide variety of sites, such as:
-> an intranet to centralize company information;
-> a team site to manage a project;
-> a profile site including an individual's resume, areas of expertise, and goals for the quarter; and
-> a virtual classroom to post homework assignments, class notes and other resources.

And even more additional features has been included after launching this site, would you like to know more about this Google Sites, then you need to just login and avail those features those Google is giving us. Here is the site URL - and if you want to know more about the features of this in detail then you guys need to view this page -

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Yahoo Mail + Images + Lightbox.js = SlideShow

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Attached images in New Yahoo Mail can be viewed as a SlideShow, Awesome enough feature provided by Yahoo.

Yahoo Mail

Attached Images are viewed as thumbnails and as per your requirement you can select respective image and can view the actual image of the same, and the same can be downloaded to your desktop.

Yahoo Mail Image View

This feature as got smooth slide show of the images and this SlideShow has been built using the lightbox.js
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Please help earthquake victims in China, through Google donation page

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Come and join in helping the people who are the victims of Earthquake in SouthWest China, Google is doing a great job all the way round to help and support these victims by donating $2 million, including $1.7 million from

Donation Page:

Google Donation Page

Google even calling us to join and help the people of SouthWest China by donating funds. They have put up a donation page using Google's payment system. Two organizations came up to help these people and which supports Google payment system. Through these two organizations you can pay your donations to help the survivors and other disaster victims to rebuild their communities and their lives.

Here is the donation page -

If you want to know any updates on relief efforts you need to visit

Come! We All Together help the people of SouthWest China.

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Aqua Gloss Icons PSD for Free

Monday, May 19, 2008

Designers who would like to design Gloss Icons using Photoshop, here is a right place to check in - DezinerFolio, which is a design related web blog were in which you can download tons of design stuff's for free, and this is the right place to begin with.


If you want to learn Photoshop / CSS / Flash / Design tricks then you guys need to view the web blog of DezinerFolio. In this web blog you find a separate slot for downloads, were you can find tons of great designs. Even in this blog you can find JavaScript related applications which are awesome enough.

Here is the link to download Aqua Gloss Icons PSD - download

A very good site to check out!

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Want to grab Logo PSD files for free? Yes!

By sitting near my desk, I was thinking to work on some templates for that I need some logo's and frankly speaking I am an average designer, I used to make use of Photoshop for design purposes. I have learnt some tricks and tracks from my office colleagues and friends.

I have gone through one website, were the site is providing PSD files for downloads. No Credit cards (or) Paypal accounts are needed to buy those designs, its absolutely free! yeah PSD files for free.

Color Menu Facebook Logo

Here is the URL of that site:

These free stuff's includes:

1. Color Menu PSD Free Buttons
2. Facebook Logo PSD Free Logo
3. Butterfly Free PSD Logo
4. Male & Female Free PSD Logo
5. 6 Folders Free PSD Icons
6. Triple Bollard PSD Free Icons

and Much more... :)

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