New functionalities in its awesome

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Google is rocking by introducing new gadgets with awesome enough functionalities. They have launched gadgets in spreadsheet.

Gadgets like WebSearch, Table, Motion Chart, Interactive Time Series, Scatter Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, Map, Gauges, Heatmap, Organizational Chart, Image Search, Inserting gadgets (the mentioned gadgets are introduced in spread sheets).

We can get spreadsheet updates by email, improved the functionalities by introducing autocomplete which helps you in remembering exactly how a formula is spelled. GoogleFinance function can now be used to view historical prices of stocks. And introduced 40 languages in the Google Docs.

Functionalities in Spreadsheets
If you want to know more about the new functionalities then you need to view this page - what's new in Google Docs